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1988年毕业于河北大博乐体育物化学及微生物专业;1994年获中国农业大学遗传育种专业硕士学位;1998-2002年在华中农业大学作物遗传改良国家重点实验室学习,师从张启发院士,获生物化学及分子生物学博士学位。硕士和博士毕业后,先后在河北师范大学从事教学和科研工作。2007-2011,分别在英国The University of Edinburgh,美国Ohio State UniversitySouth Dakota State University从事博士后研究;2012年到博乐体育作物科学博乐体育工作。











5.论文:Xa26, a gene confers resistance to Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae at both seedling and adult stages of rice, encodes a LRR receptor kinase-like protein 获得第十一届湖北省自然科学优秀学术论文特等奖(第一完成人)2006,12月。

6.专利号:ZL 02139212.9,发明名称:水稻抗白叶枯病基因Xa26,发明人:王石平、孙新立、曹应龙、杨之芬、张启发,申请日:2002.10.28,授权公告日:2005.5.18


1.Xinli Sun*, Qi Jia, Yuchun Guo, Xiujuan Zheng, Kangjing Liang. Whole-genome analysis revealed the positively selected genes during the differentiation of indica and temperate japonica rice. PLoS One, 2015, 已接受(通讯作者)

2.Xinli Sun*, Guo-Liang Wang, Genome-wide identification, characterization and phylogenetic analysis of the rice LRR-kinases. PLoS One, 2011, 6(3)1-12: e16079.(通讯作者)

3.Xinli Sun, Eleanor M. Gilroy, Andrea Chini, Pedro L. Nurmberg, Ingo Hein, Christophe Lacomme, Paul R. J. Birch, Adil Hussain, Byung-Wook Yun and Gary J. Loake*. ADS1 encodes a MATE-transporter that negatively regulates plant disease resistance. New Phytol., 2011, 192: 471-482.

4.Yinglong Cao · Liu Duan · Hongjing Li · Xinli Sun·Yu Zhao · Caiguo Xu · Xianghua Li · Shiping Wang*. Functional analysis of Xa3/Xa26 family members in rice resistance to Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae. Theor. Appl. Genet., 2007, 115: 887-895.

5.Xinli Sun, Yinglong Cao, and Shiping Wang*. Point mutations with positive selection were a major force during the evolution of a receptor-kinase resistance gene family of rice. Plant Physiol., 2006, 140: 998-1008.

6.Xinli Sun, Yinglong Cao, Zhifen Yang, Caiguo Xu, Xianghua Li, Shiping Wang* and Qifa Zhang. Xa26, a gene conferring resistance to Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae in rice, encodes an LRR receptor kinase-like protein. Plant J., 2004, 37: 517-527.

7.X. Sun, Z. Yang, S. Wang *, Q Zhang . Identification of a 47-kb DNA fragment containing Xa4, a locus for bacterial blight resistance in rice. Theor. Appl. Genet., 2003, 106: 683-687.

8.Z. Yang, X. Sun, S. Wang*, Q Zhang. Genetic and physical mapping of a new gene for bacterial blight resistance in rice. Theor. Appl. Genet., 2003, 106: 1467-1472.

9.Hua J P, Y Z Xing, C G Xu, X L Sun, S B Yu and Qifa Zhang. Genetic dissection of an elite rice hybrid revealed that heterozygotes are not always advantageous for performance. Genetics. 2002, 162:1885-1895.

10.Y F Tan, M Sun, Y Z Xing, J P Hua, X L Sun, Q F Zhang, H Corke. Mapping quantitative trait loci for milling quality, protein content and color characteristics of rice using a recombinant inbred line population derived from an elite rice hybrid. Theor. Appl. Genet., 2001, 103:1037-1045.

11.Jinping Hua, Yongzhong Xing, Weiren Wu, Caiguo Xu, Xinli Sun, Sibin Yu, and Qifa Zhang. Single-locus heterotic effects and dominance by dominance interactions can adequately explain the genetic basis of heterosis in an elite rice hybrid. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, Vol. 100, Issue 5, 2574-2579, March 4, 2003.

12.Xing Y Z, Y F Tan, J P Hua, X L Sun, C G Xu, and Qifa Zhang. Characterization of the main effects, epistatic effects and their environmental interactions of QTLs on the genetic basis of yield traits in rice. Theor. Appl. Genet., 2002, 105:248-257.
